Index Ropla PDC6727
Manufacturer's part number SCM3216F-222M-I-LRH
Manufacturer PDC
Data sheet /pdc/scm3216f.pdf scm3216f.pdf (181,94KB)

Product group Chokes
Manufacturer PDC
Package/Case 3.2x1.9x1.6
Mounting Style SMD
Packaging Reel 13"
Tₘᵢₙ -40°C
Tₘₐₓ 125°C
Collective package 2,000/-/- pcs
Weight 0.050000 g
Weight of the collective package 100 g/-/-
Customs number 85041020
10 pcs on stock

2,000 pcs Minimum order quantity
2,000 pcs Multiple
2,000/-/- pcs Collective package

pcs +  0.4061000 PLN